Friday, June 7, 2013


This is an interview I made.  It tells a little bit about my life.  The most important thing I learned from this project was how to collaborate with my classmates Nikki ehmann and Frances Brawn, as well as how to make a B roll in imovie.

Mayor of Rochester Aticle

In November 2010, Andrew Cuomo won the election to become governor of New York State.  His running mate and lieutenant governor was Robert Duffy. In January 2011, Robert Duffy resigned from the office of Mayor of Rochester, NY.  After a series of interim mayors, a special election was held to determine Robert Duffy’s long term replacement. 
            Tom Richards won the election, defeating Bill Johnson,who served as the mayor of Rochester from 1994 to 2006.  Prior to his election as mayor, Tom Richards served as Corporation Counsel of the City of Rochester.  Richards has also worked as a partner in the Peabody Nixon law firm, and as the president of RG&E.
            Robert Duffy was a well known politician, and a prominent figure in the community.  His presence in Rochester was strong, and his appearances on local news were many.  He attended and even organized many community events.  For example, “Clean Sweep”, his effort to beautify Rochester by picking up litter, drew over 14,000 volunteers.
            Mayor Tom Richards has made far fewer appearances on local news. 
            When asked who the mayor was, Frances Brown, a sophomore at School of the Arts, responded with, “I know it’s not Duffy…Is his last name Brown?”
            Clara O’Connor, a junior, responded to the same question with“I don’t know who the mayor is. Last time I checked it was Duffy.  That was his name, right? Or was it Buffy?”
            In fact, a recent poll conducted by Driscoll Research Group found that 86% of School of the Arts students do not know the name of Rochester’s mayor.   
            Another poll, also conducted by Driscoll Research Group, found that 92% of School of the Arts students know that the previous mayor of Rochester was Robert Duffy.
            So why do students know of Robert Duffy, but not Tom Richards?  Is it because Duffy was more charismatic?  Because he was on local news more?  Were Duffy’s policies and ideas more controversial?  Did people like Duffy more? Did they hate him more?
            “I think Duffy was more present in the community,” says Nikki Ehmann, a sophomore at SOTA, “He went to many events.  I saw him every year at the Park Ave Winter Fest, and I met him one time at the Greek Fest. He was really friendly.”
            Nathan Pembrook, a sophomore creative writing major, said “I thought the mayor was Duffy’s son or something, isn’t this an empire?”
            Maybe it’s because of Duffy’s frequent appearances at festivals and events. Maybe it’s because people don’t know that America is a democracy.  Whatever the reason it’s clear that Tom Richards has a lot of work to do before his presence in the community is felt as strongly as Robert Duffy’s was. 

Podcast: Beats and Eats

This is a podcast that I made with my classmates Nikki Ehmann and Grace Landers.  In the podcast, we discussed cooking and baking techniques.  From this project, I learned how to use garage band to make a podcast.  Additionally, we made the peanut butter chocolate truffels that we talked about in our movie.  They were very good, and they reflected my determination to get an A, and also my determination in general.

Youth Newspaper Article

This is an article I wrote in January.  This article reflects the writing skills that I learned throughout the year. 

Youth Groups to Meet with RCSD Superintendent
Gena Driscoll-Brantley
On January 2nd 2013, youth groups will meet with Superintendent Bolgen Vargas and school district staff.  At the meeting, teens will discuss problems within the school district, and present ideas to make them better. 
            Many youth groups from across the city will be in attendance. Youth from Safe Sex Inc., a youth leadership program promoting the sexual health of young people, plan to present their concerns.
Youth from Safe Sex Inc. will present to the superintendant their ideas on health education, harassment and bullying, and youth-adult communication and relationships.  The leader of Safe Sex Inc., Junior Dillion said, “One of my students said he didn’t even know he had a counselor.”
The youth from Safe Sex Inc. hope to strengthen relationships between students and adults within schools. 
            Dillion said, “I grew up in England, and my sister, who is in high school there, has gotten tremendous help from her school in choosing a university.  That doesn’t always seem to happen in the US.”
Also in attendance will be a club of students from North East College Prep who meet at lunch to discuss problem solving, as well as their teachers, grades, and goals will speak.
Demetrius Battle, the leader of the youth group at North East College Prep, said his students will present ideas on “what would make a great school.”
Teens from THRIVE, (Teens Helping Reinvent Identity, Values, and Empowerment) will share their ideas at the meeting.
            A number of kids from THRIVE will tell the superintendant about a variety of issues within the district.  One student will talk about the problems caused by substitute teachers lacking the knowledge to adequately teach a subject, and another will speak about bullying.   THRIVE youth will also express concerns with extended school hours. This year, North East College Prep extended its hours; the school day now starts at 7:10 and goes until 5:15, to mixed results.  
            One student from THRIVE said, “Superintendent Vargas spends a lot of time in my school, and it’s great to have another chance to talk with him.  He’s not a stranger to us.”
            Finally, students from SOAR, a youth leadership team working to reduce teen pregnancy, will also attend the meeting. 
            The meeting between youth groups and the Superintendent will be held on January 2nd at Central Office, third floor, at 4:00pm.  All City residents are welcome to attend. 


Magazine Cover

This is the cover of a magazine I made with Nikki Ehmann.  The magazine provided information about parks and nature within Rochester.  In making this magazine, I learned about how to use the program pages.  Additionally, I learned how to write magazine articles.